Automotive Cargo Strap Features
Today’s vehicles are designed and built with convenience features in mind, such as cargo storage options. Long gone are the days where you open your trunk and the groceries are slung about, or the casserole you spent all day making gets ruined when you make a sharp turn. Believe it or not, these ease of usefeatures are part of what makes a vehicle so attractive to a buyer. At MISC Products, we spend our days making sure your vehicle is equipped with the best and easiest cargo feature applications.
Here are a few of these types of storage features:
- Stow and go seats: Seen more and more in the past ten years of auto production, these types of seats are first folded and then slide into storage compartments in the floor board panel of the vehicle. A webbing cargo strap is traditionally manufactured for the purposes of releasing the seat from its upright position for folding and sliding into the storage compartment area.
- Folding seats: In sport utility vehicles and vans/minivans, a latch or pull strap will first release the seat to make it fold down, thus creating more open cargo space in the back of the vehicle. Then, our automotive strap (attached to the back side of the seat) makes it easy to lift the seat and place back into regular position.
- Rear console: Vehicles equipped with storage consoles in the rear seating area have a convertible feature to store the console away into a hidden position, creating more space in the rear seating area. In order to utilize the console (with compartments for drinks and other novelties), a nylon handle strap is attached for passengers to pull the console down easily.

Each automotive cargo strap is made by custom order to fit the application for which the vehicle requires. Several tier one and OEM automotive supply companies turn to our professionals for because of our advanced technology and state of the art equipment. Our talented craftsmen design and deliver the most complex applications in automotive parts and components, understanding that each automotive pull strap is part of a much larger design.
We look at more than the big picture, we look at potential angles and details necessary for the product to work in the overall space of the design. Because every step in the process is critical for the finished feature, we always work with suppliers to ensure the design and quality are aligned with the integrity of the automotive brand.
About Us
The team at MISC Products is experienced crafting automotive seat straps. We’ve delivered custom seat straps in materials such as nylon, elastic, webbing, leather – we’ve even combined materials, notions and fabrics to create cargo pull straps.